As a company, our priority is to develop and produce products in the best possible way according to the needs of our customers.
GH Yıldız purchases high quality raw materials from leading local and global manufacturers. The entire process cycle, from the purchase of raw materials to the shipment of finished products, is controlled with care and meticulousness.
GH Yıldız customers are people who care about their health and are aware that a healthy and balanced diet is the main factor in protecting immunity.
GH Yıldız’s product range includes more than 300 products in various forms, including tablets, capsules, soft capsules, drops, spray, liquid form, syrup, sachet, chewable gel form (gummy) and cosmetic products. Thanks to its wide product portfolio, it offers products that meet the needs of every individual, whether children or adults.
Having a high-performance production line ensures consistent maintenance of unit costs. We continue to serve you with our new 12,000 m² production facility with the latest production technologies.
To manage our customers’ expectations in the best possible way with our growth potential, competitive values, customer-oriented corporate structure strategy, and innovative and value-oriented quality approach. To produce new, innovative and quality products that energize the sector by combining modern production systems with knowledge, experience and qualified workforce on national and international platforms.
To create reputation and trust in the domestic and global markets by producing hygienic, high quality, low cost and highly effective products that comply with international standards, meet customer expectations, in order to increase the awareness and continuity of our company.

Inspiration, innovation,
and opportunities.
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About Us
As GH YILDIZ PHARMACEUTICALS AND COSMETICS company, we have been developing since 2015 and producing food supplements and cosmetic products in accordance with international standards and offering them to consumers in local and global markets.
We are inspired by nature to develop products that support human health, we work with awareness and responsibility to deliver our products to the end consumer, and we continue to look for new long-term projects. In this regard, we are expanding our product range and trusting the quality, content and benefits of our products. We continue to work to Support Your Health in more than 20 countries and Turkey.